(Click on pic for full cartoon strip ...)

Then the epiphany - my thoughts made them really mad.
A spoof, like a bright young colleague points out, needs to seen first and foremost as a joke. And last but not the least as flattery.
All the advertisors I meet at Cannes, racking their brains for a way to generate buzz and live a digital life, maybe there's a lesson here for you. No its not the bit about being intellectually honest and saying what you really think. Its about being interactive. Listening and then talking back and then listening again. Even if its only to pick a fight :)
Alrite, lemme (anonymous) start it.
SenGupta, listen up.
U hv all the rights to express ur thots - here, in IBN Live, any place. BUT, 'words' my dear r evrything. U term an entire set of people as 'pigs' and that too simply becuz dey watched a 'crap' movie?
Since u put 'certain words' in a blog, is it okay for me to state dat u r 'bitch in heat' and ur family a pack of dogs that inbreed & ur friends as dogs dat sincerely believe & practice incest relationships? To me, that is not 'democracy' - its what happens in evry slum - FIGHTING. It starts with words & then with drunken maniacs, escalates to physical violence (believe me, I was born & used to live in a slum, & I know how it works)
BTW, 'CANNES' did u say? Do help me understand the 'HINDI' or 'BENGALI' movies which were showcased - also, did u happen to watch 'VEYYIL' or 'MOZHI' - also belong to my ilk - Tamil. The same audience (whom you termed as pigs) gave these movies a decent return on the investment - sans CNN IBN, sans ur hype, sans 'FANS' - can u 'beat' that?
Why dint u write abt Veyyil - it cud hv been a request for all ur 'pseudo' intellectual types to make the movie even 1% worth of Sivaji.
BTW, if at all u hv a kid (assuming u r not a pig and dont give out smaller ones), try taking him to a 'Cinderalla Man' or a 'Beautiful Mind' or a Satyajit Ray film and keep doing that continously - never allow a Spidey or a Superman or a Batman or a Matrix or a Dhoom 2, lemme see how he/she grows up.
I have a kid inside me (not physically) and Rajni (not R A J "A" N I) caters to that inner persona. When I want 'serious' movies, I pick Mani Ratnam or Kamal or Prakash Raj flicks (or for that matter really antique Rajni flicks like Gayathri, Netri Kann, Aaru lirindhu Aruvadhu varai) or even Hindi ones like Kabhie Kabhie, Anand, Silsila, etc.
Am I a 'PIG' since I am brave enough to accept that indeed there is a child in my mind and indeed I cater to its needs?
Nice to see your Blog. Will this blog will only focus on Shivaji or will u focus on other topics. Hope to see more intresting blog articles.
As far as shivaji. Enjoyed reading ur opinion. It was boring to read the reviews of Shivaji. Thanks once again for replying to all 970+ Comments.Which is something new in this Blog world. I was unable to read all 970 comments. I found the gist in the following blog.
Ms. Gupta,
I'm sure it wouldn't be under your league as a Journalist to apologize, would it? Especially after calling me and the group of Tamil people I belong to, someone you definetly dont know, a PIG.
I'm not here to cuz at you, nor to say you suck as a person. But simply to remind you to be more carefull, at the least diplomatic in choosing your words.
u r rite..rajini s boss f crap..so forget him..watch mani rathnam movies instead..
Hello Anuradha,
It is so nice of you to voice u'r personal opinions on u'r personal blog.That itself is a big victory for those who commented.Your cartoon seems to be a sheer expression of anger over the comments.Let me clarify it for you , Rajnikanth himself is not a tamilian , but people of Tamilnadu respect him like a god jus because he has done so much for them.Your cartoon doesn't show chennai or tamilians in a good light.It is said universaly that Tamilnadu is 'Vandharai Vazhavaikkum Thamizhagam' - A place which welcomes people from overy other part of the universe and makes them live the best.
So you went to Cannes.. Big deal!! Is that supposed to impress us, and tell us that you are of some higher variety??
Secondly earlier there was a shred of respect I had for you since I really thought you had some balls to do what you did. But that vanished when i saw that you had cleverly changed the heading from "Sivaji - the boss of crap" to "The post that started it all" It just shows that you not only write convoluted blogs to gain attention but scamper away with your tail between your legs when the shit starts to hit the ceiling.
My advise to you - dont give up your day job. And meet a shrink ASAP.
Who wrote the following message with the starting.
Anonymous said...
Alrite, lemme (anonymous) start it.
SenGupta, listen up.
You for sure know how to deal with immature people like Anuradha who just refuse to grow up.
kudos for having the guts to express your thoughts on sivaji..
commiserations for the response!
p.s: i am as bewildered by the rajni phenomenon and the response to your blog as you..
Hi ,
This is fantastic... So atlast you get a private space to vent your thoughts on ...
Mine was also one among the 1000 odd messages that struck the blog at ibnlive....
I respect the fact that you have every rights to say anything about sivaji (provided its you private space like this)
Second a small education on Rajni Films... Every Rajni films before 80's had him in a character role like Amitabh or Kamal Hassan does now. His movies like " Mullum Malarum" " Moondru Mugam" "16 Vayathinilaey" etc proved his acting Capabilities... Soon there was a new style of movies the Masala Movie (A crap !) which mixed Love and War in a Crappy Way. Rajnikanth movies thatcame out in this fashion had something more to it like the punch dialogues, the opening song, unbelievable Gimmicks etc .. which was new and audience somehow liked something different.
Thats how it all started... and then on Rajnikanth was caught in that Web... So every movie of his post 90's had only entertainment value in it ... So its almost what the fans also expect ...
So when it comes to Sivaji that Entertainment value is a bit overdosage ...and infact thats what Fans like out of a Rajnikanth movie ( Just liek Superman or Spiderman)
Finally ... you should expect Logic or Acting skills display in a Rjnikanth Flick ..
Its almost like going to hotel and asking for a Pair of Jean....
If at all Maniratnam makes a movie with Rajni ... you could expect a bit of that !! (i did not mean a Jean in hotel ... )
Anyways .. am a great fan of you too just like Rajnikanth .. i expect something controversial written always !!
thanks for entertaining !!
"Rajnikanth" what is it, is that a name of a person, if yes who is he?. Now if I ask that question to somebody and if I said to him that I am an Tamilian I would be considered by him as an alien from mars or Jupiter even if he doesn't patronize the person who carries that name and I am sure millions of others who patronize that person more than what the word patronize means will consider me as some dumb head who is out of his mind and seriously needs an assistance of a lunatic asylum. "Super Star Rajnikanth" the name itself is enough to elicit the charismatic picture of a person, trying to wear a pair of glasses in his own branded way of style in the minds of all the tamilians around the world, he has been a phenomenon in the Tamil film industry. Now things have grown big with respect to Tamil film industry and so has the things about this actor. Now he is considered to be the highly paid actor in Asia next to Jackie Chan, now that is really big considering the fact that when the world talks about Indian film industry its only referring to films from Bollywood. The efforts of many great actors like Kamal Hasan to take Indian cinema to the world is commendable and is quiet worth mentioning but this man known only for his striking gimmicks and movies that never cross the boundaries of the genre called entertainers has for sure given an identity to the Tamil films by marking a dot in the map of world cinema.It would be a mistake to compare this Badshaa of box office with any other Indian actor, he has his own fan following who like him the way he is, in a world were glitz and glamour should be a part and parcel of any person who chooses to live in that world, this man has chosen to be real in the real life(posing for photographs with bald head, unkempt beard etc..), some find it idiotic about the way he looks and wonder how this person could be some one who has won the adorations of millions of fans around the world, what ever might be the reasons, at the end of the day an ordinary auto driver who goes for a movie after a days of hectic driving would want to come out of the movie hall with a satisfied smile on his face and Super Star movies have for sure stood up to those expectations and will continue to do so in future.
- Prasanna Kumar
Sigh! Before i begin my rant, my disclaimers..
1. I am educated and literate, and know the difference between good literature and utter drivel
2. I am not a tamil fanatic, nor do I intend to cause any harm
If you make a mistake once, it is forgiven. If you make it more than once then I think you deserve all the brickbats that you are getting and then some more.
While we all respect your right to personal opinion and so forth, it is your duty to respect others sentiments. I think that is the first thing they teach you at journalist school right?( I am assuming you went to one! and If you did I pity the school).
I read your original article, but refrained from commenting, assuming that you were a immature, egotistic and bigoted person who was a shame to the journalistic fraternity, but then you did not give up.
To sound parochial, if this were Bengal, you guys would have probably struck off work for a whole week now. We might not have Satyajit Ray's oscars, but neither do we have people who steal them.
Your critique sucked, because not only was it biased, but also derogatory. I am happy that this still has not gone to the Rajini fan clubs, for your sake.
The movie might be bad, but your language was worse, 'pig', 'crap' - I think this is more a reflection on your upbringing.
Yeah you might have balls( I like the way you chose the one amongst the thousand comments), but they are definitely in the wrong place.
I am a pig too, for you have dragged me into this.
hey Anu dont care...v tamilians dont even like dis marathi-kannada old fart...v hate him...don worry...our support fr u only..dis rajini s boss f all crap..his fans r nt real tamilians.. dis idiot didnt support for kaveri river..bt he s acting lik he s a poli samiyar..he s a porikki who used 2 do all sort f bad things..he s a pottai boss wen it comes 2 politics...his films r really pathetic..his acting s lik sum joker in a circus..LOL
Infoline -
thanks for the feedback. there's more to life than sivaji. so of course there will be posts on other things under the sun.
u look like a pig urself, u bitch...do u even realize how fuckin stupid u look in that picture of urs, and with that haircut....i'm tellin u this, coz u somehow seem to be thinkin of urself as part of the intelligentsia...u r just a dumb bitch...understand that...and wipe that smile off ur face...u look like a clown
Hello Ms. Sengupta,
Hope you had a good party with your insane spineless racist friend and fellow colleague at CNN IBN Mr. Sanjeeb Mukherjea after gaining cheap popularity by writing totally arrogant, racist and ignorant blogs about Sivaji and dravidians.
What makes you people so arrogant? What drives you behave so mean? Is it the lack of proper education? Didn't your parents and elders teach you manners and ethics at any point of time in your life? I am just curious!!!
Were you just trying to gain some cheap popularity? Well if the real intent was only that, then there were so many other options for you. You and Sanjeeb could have paired up and ran nude in the middle of a cricket match at Eden gardens. You could have been world famous by now had you just tried that!! Anyways its never too late. You can try that next time. But please do give us a hint before you do that, so that we could swith off our televisions.
Anyways if you ever get a chance to talk to that arrogant illiterate bastard Sanjeeb again just let him know that there was someone who was curious to know if he was reproduced by his mother or just excreted away!!
Good God... It took you 2 blog posts and 1000+ comments to realize that personal opinions should not be written under the blanket of a respected news channel. Thank God you atleast started using your gray cells now after these many years!! Anyways you are far too old to be taught some values and ethics. Its best for you to remain the way you've already chosen to be.... arrogant, ignorant and superior!!!
Kannu.. onnu solren ketukko... alavukku adhigama aasai padra aambalayum alavukku adhigama kova padra pombalayum vaazhkaila ennikum jeichadhu kedayadhu!!!
Add this phrase to your tamil thesaurus as well!!!
hi Anu, This must be unofficially the first net wide war....... Hope to read more from you here in this space. I will be a reg visitor. YOur blogs rocks...
I strongly believe that there is nothing called negative publicity. Any publicity is good.
In that light, I think that you are the ultimate PR guru!!
If I ever start a company, I know who should be my PR.
How did a random 'Anuradha Sengupta' become so popular? After this whole Sivaji episode, U have propelled urself into the Pranoy, Rajdeep league!!
its highly pathetic to see u coming up with posts after posts jus coz you seem to be getting a lot of attention!! i think all of us are making mistakes of commenting on this and making u big :-) infact i see that some more moron colleagues of urs also have started putting out blogs on sivaji in ibnlive and it jus shows ur (northies) insecurity on a hit movie from the south! infact one ba$tard brought in racism like aryans vs dravidians (ur 1000 times better). seriously dumb to bring in racism within india itself ...
i dont approve of the toon of u (not a good one - i didnt mean the lumpy way u were portrayed LOL)
its jus that ur review sounds so so biased jus coz a tamil movie is a hit in the north.. go and watch some movies made in tamil like mozhi/veyyil and a lot more made in malayalam... u shud be least surprised with the no of national awards to the south - we dont need some actor's mom to be in the award committee to get national awards. this particular movie is supposed to be of a superman genre. if u call this crap, then by all means spiderman3/pirates of the carribean and ghostrider - all were double crap. perhaps you forgot the yardstick.. perhaps you expected a moving drama .. cant blame u! to generalize people as pigs is well not done by someone who is in this level in a national news channel .. perhaps if you took all this time publicising urself to more useful programs/news good for the society. and i think u have balls.. its jus that you have em in ur brains :-)
seems that u r totally jobless, these days.
SO u r hurt, and u hate everyone who is commenting abt ur blog. Its the same thing for us!
So grow up lady, What goes around, comes around???!!!!!!!!
The cartoon was absolutely picture perfect. Thats ur fate if u land in chennai!
Anuradha, welcome to the blogosphere.!
I always found reading blogs on CNN-IBN hard, because the entire post is not exported to the RSS feeds.. Now it`ll be easier for me..?
and about the post that started it all. I myself feel that Rajnikanth, the actor lost out to Rajnikanth the star. Poor guy..!
If a movie is crap for you then let it be so. You have all the right to say so!
No matter whatever comments you get, keep writing Ma`am, The world of blogs will not allow anyone to stop another from blogging..!
But just one request, get over this topic and awaiting eagerly, your more personal posts on varied other subjects.
An Eager reader,
This post is in reply to the below post from CNN-IBN.
Once upon a time there was an excellent news reporter named Rajdeep Sardesai. He split ways with NDTV to start a new news channel amidst huge expectations. After seeing him in NDTV people hoped here was a TV channel which they could relate to and which will speak the truth.
But alas, how wrong were they….. After their site ratings fell after the abhi-ash wedding news died off. They chose a rather cheap gimmick to gain back their popularity. This event happened on July 02 2007 when a blog writer from ibnlive.com, Anuradha Sengupta(now fondly called as pig in the replies to her blog) was chosen to be the scapegoat for this cheap gimmick.
They put up a review of tamil movie Sivaji. There is nothing wrong in reviewing a movie and putting a bad review to it but what was disheartening is that the esteemed lady does not understand Tamil and she chose to see the movie in a theatre with no subtitles. Which means she could not understand the head and tail of the movie. Moreover, the language she used and the way she has brought out her so called “frustration” is really disgusting and is not expected out of a respectable news channel ibnlive.com.
But then, after giving it a thought and after waiting for a day, we got to understand the real purpose of the blog. By wednesday July 03,2007 the number of replies to the blog stand at 965 . Now a computer prodigy can tell as to how much traffic this could have created in the site. Hence, in a day due to Sivaji the popularity of the site ibnlive.com grew . So apart from the 150 crores sivaji is supposed to make, this goes as an additional credit to the movie.
A small request to ibnlive.com. In future if you want to increase the traffic , we have some other wonderful suggestions which cannot be disclosed in public. There are lot of sites which generate more traffic .( Hope you got which sites we mean here).
A rotten apple spoils the entire basket. Hope, ibnlive.com continues to remain what it was a couple of days back.
Sincerely hope none of the other news channel follow suit.
Posted by just another guy at 2:13 AM
Rename your BLOG to " BITCH Anuradha Gets heated up".
U bitch do u even know the basics of "mannerism". How to address a gathering of educated people.
U illiterate bastard , U call rajni a CRAP , What were u before joining CNN/IBN a road side prostitute.
Another moefoe has joined your elite club.. His name is joseph john. All you freeloaders are riding the rajini bandwagon to gain popularity for yourselves..
As if you and sam werent bad enough, this joker is now clamouring for attention. You've set a trend FBB sengupta.. kudos..
But when you see that moefoe tell him that MGR is MG Ramachandran, not MG Ravichandran. Tell him to get his facts right before being nasty. Only then he can be eligible to join your stinking fucking club..
RV - youre the posterboy for the "Asskissers Club" buddy.. keep it up.
To all respected brothers & sisters - who think Rajni is some dark looking bloke who doesnt know A-B-C of acting, jz chk the following 2 links.
Rajni is his screen name & Mr. Gaekwad is just 'another' human being - PERIOD. We (the people who were referred to as a herd of pigs by a self-proclaimed pig) like him, love him, adore him, respect him - as a Human Being.
He might have done mistakes; but he has the guts to come clean, admit it & move forward - RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE MEDIA GLARE - unlike a self-proclaimed pig that still does not believe she'd tagged an entire community of movie-buffs as pigs - by that one sentence.
As a nation and as a Hindu, I have kept looking at Mira Nairs, MF Hussains showing Hinduism, brahmin women, Goddesses in poor light, as lesbians, in the nude (respectively). As a human being, I have seen Sir/Mr. Salman Rushdie calling all Muslims as having been born to whores. I kept calm at people denigrating Hinduism & Islam. WHY? Because these are 'powerful' faiths - not going to be affected by some dog barking. I kept my cool when poor reviews were made on Sivaji, when Rajni-bashing was/is on full-swing - you know why, Rajni & Sivaji 'speak' for themselves - former with his words, latter with the numbers (not just money, but people too).
But who is to speak out for the poor vegetable vendor, the bhaajiwala, the dhoodhwala, the auto wala, the bus drivers, the coolies - these people are also among the 'herd of pigs' being referred.
Ms. SenGupta, you had provided answers to so many questions - what about this one? Is your idea of 'fun' or 'spoof' mean calling a set of people as 'herd of pigs'? Answer that, Ms. SenGupta - will ya?
why dont you try something else...
you are not all that good in this...
please try changing your line...
Hey piggy,
You seem to have got a facial from the first anonymus. Please take any extreme steps to end your life..Coz, you are the best time pass for pig haters.
Great.. now you can understand why Iam fan of one nice soul in big(increasing becoming ugly) indian media industry.
Anu Thanks for respecting for majority view. ofcourse India is free country and free to express our opinions but in right context, forum with self-define(instead of corporate driven) ethics & values.
Interesting isn't it? There was a time when we boasted of tolerance as our national spirit... what I see on this blog would make not only Gandhiji but even Munnabhai blush. And I refer in particular to the anonymous posts... if you don't have to guts to put your name to your comment, why comment at all? I do agree that Anuradha has more balls than most of the chaps who have sent anonymous postings. And kudos to Anu for letting these blogs stay... it tells the more discerning amongst readers quite a bit about the both parties involved. And incidentally my name is Raj Narayan and I actually liked Sivaji though I do agree that I liked Dalapathy better.
I dont know what was your expectations when you went to watch Sivaji? I wanted to have a good time and I had more than that.
Use the words carefully.
anuradha, i had read ur blogs beofre and after sivaji stuff happend, i love reading ur blogs, go ahead and express yourself :), if you need support am here , lets fight sivaji , ha ha ha
People when you believe that what you are trying to say is true whether its digging at anuradha or the Movie sivaji why do you wear a veil of anonymity, it just shows your hypocrisy rather than the correctness in what you want to express, I am a fan of Mr.Rajnikanth and i Totally disagree with Ms. Anuradha and i have replied to all her posts. Let us give some respect to the human being on the other side who is going to read all your replies, she might be a person who has a view totally wrong about Sivaji that doesn't make her completely Bad, she might be a good Daughter or a sister or a friend of someone we don't know, we may not know how good as a person she is, so i would request all you people who wanna show your anger at Anuradha maintain some decorum !!!
online obelix (aka Raj Narayan),
abt anons (like me) - well we're part of the 'herd of pigs' that one self-proclaimed pig had referred to. U think that all of us in this herd have a name? Grow up buddy !! Once this pig removes her piggy post from that website, u can ask for my name.
BTW, I mean both types of pigs - the ones that are pro- & anti- this self-proclaimed pig - we're all pigs - PERIOD.
Anonymous (the one who started this up with Alrite, lemme start it)
I am not here to curse, rant, rave on anything you said, as a wise man (Aristotle IIRC) I will defend to the death your right to say something stupid(or something to that effect)...as YOU Felt on something, and you spoke abt it...but just one question,
How on God's great earth did you watch a movie in a language you dont understand, and form certain "Deep" Conclusions-Other than the fact that the entire movie was camp.
Heck I saw Volver (Pedro Almodovar's movie) without the subtitles for not more than 30 mins, and thought that the movie was crap and boring, and it is elementary Ms Watson-I dont know Spanish...
(2) A movie just dosnt have to always say something, for instance I would watch a Shivaji three times, rather than a Satyajit Ray movie (and this aint a typical Bigoted rant, on "Tamilians are great and Bongs suck or anyother Freudian "My Penis is bigger than yours" argument, just a mere statement of fact, because I would rather watch a Shivaji because to me it is entertaiment, and I pay a good 150 bucks for the ticket, to watch some bald dude bash up 300 enemies, and still have time to romance his "babe"...
as a Movie critic(or as you claim, a person with a opinion on a movie, which is made for public consumption-quite twisted) you would need to understand the mentality with which a movie is made, and not just the content...
and oh btw I am a die hard fan of Rajni(watched all his movies first day first show since his path breaking Baasha), I thought that Shivaji sucked too,
and lastly, is watching a AKiro Kurosawa movie(replace above name with a Pedro, Satyajit or whoever else you chose) in some way "Better" than watching a Shivaji First day First show, throwing confetti, whistling etc??? and just enjoying the ride?
you big asshole looks like pig, why don't you find suitable pig for you,fuck u baby.you are perfect bitch Journalist.
Better you hide your shit face.
Thanks for starting separate blog, at least we can have a fun by remembering gali words.
hahahahahah. bye whore.
READ FULL STORY: Abt this community
THIS IS THE OFFICIAL ANURADHA SENGUPTA hate club! Anybody who hates her can join this club.
Anuradha Sengupta is a journalist in CNN IBN. Nobody took notice of her. Nobody even cared whether she existed or not.
It was from the moment she started to TRASH-TALK about our “THALAIVAR” SUPERSTAR RAJNI and his latest movie SIVAJI in her blog, she became the one-stop spit-stop for all DIEHARD RAJNI FANS. This was her road to become famous.
If you still haven’t checked her article about Sivaji, plz chk it out.
1. This one started it all, the moment it was uploaded, in a matter of hours 4000+ thrashing comments landed in the website ibnlive.com
She became scared to death after seeing the responses.
2. She made things worse, by commenting on the fans now. Again she was thrashed with terrible comments.
3. Later she was forced to apologise publicly in her own blog.
She stopped writing in IBNLIVE, and opened her own blog in blogspot.
She also roped in her colleague Sanjeeb Mukherjea for her support, who failed miserably.
Join here::http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=36121450
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