Thank you Sivaji. Wow! You helped me discover the joys of blogging. Overwhelming the sheer number and minute details in all the comments reacting to my previous post - Sivaji. The Boss. Of Crap. I have waded through, at last count almost all the nine hundred and sixty-five comments, when actually I should have been working. But what to do, its addictive! Since its impossible to get back one on one, I am hoping this works for you, collectively.
1. The blog was not a FILM REVIEW it was a PERSONAL OPINION.
For those who don't know, a FILM REVIEW is a CRITIC's INFORMED (hopefully) opinion that helps you decide whether or not you should watch a film. I am pretty sure I didn't ask you to be either a pig or a lion. My post was existential angst in response to current socio-cultural-political events, which is what a blog is meant to be.
2.Not pro Hollywood & Hindi films and anti Tamil films
Many of you have implied and assumed - thought you guys could read because you sure can write :) - that I believe Hindi and Hollywood films are better. Let me disillusion you. I am happy to say that the majority of films from both those spaces are also CRAP. So stop falling back on idiotic, petty and frankly outdated `regional language' fault lines. And that, my dears is a pun.
3.Rajnikanth the actor not equal to Rajnikanth the person
Grow up. Learn to separate an artist's work from his/her private person. If I believe an actor's latest work is CRAP it doesn't stop me from choosing to believe that he/she is a great human being.
4.Sticks and stones will break my bones
Come on all of you who said I should shy away from visiting Chennai and other assorted places teeming with Sivaji fans - threatening bodyily harm - I didn't know goons and thugs were educated enough to be on the internet. Silly me I assumed if you were educated you wouldn't be a goon or a thug, atleast not the type who beats up people. Thought Bubble: Get real Anuradha, fascism doesn't exist only in Gujarat.
5.Sivaji's made money so it can't be bad
That's what many of you have said and that's such earth shatteringly self serving logic that I can't even react. I can only wish people who believe that everything that makes money is good, all the best.
6.Being upfront about not knowing Tamil
Come on I needn't have told you that I don't speak or understand Tamil beyond Inge va, Teri yada and Teri Yum (ironically I learned the last two phrases watching Rajni's Thalapathi which was much better that Sivaji), Chaddi Pota Ko and Po. But do you honestly believe that I needed to have an M.A. in Tamil to follow Sivaji" You are kidding right"
7. Congratulations
If you guys feel so strongly about something you have loads of energy and passion. Want to see what you can achieve if you use it more constructively"
8. CNN IBN not equal to Anuradha SenGupta
All those annoyed with CNN IBN or ibnlive should understand that blogs allow professionals working with, ahem, the aforementioned parties, a chance to express their INDIVIDUAL, PERSONAL thoughts. So be mad at me, but leave the channel and site alone. Easy I would say?
9. And the prize goes to:
Someone who said I maybe a pig but I have balls. Thank you.